Monday, December 20, 2010


Well, hello there! What did you think I’d do, bite your head off?
No, even though I am in a pretty bad mood scince I was waiting outside in the cold for 30 minutes, waiting for my next door neighbors to drop me off to school, than going in my house to call my mom to see what I should do scince they obviously are not out, and then going back outside to see that my ride has left, and my dog leaving me an early Christmas present on the carpet (yeah, “eww” I know, sorry if you’ve just had breakfast). So, you can see my day hasn’t started out quite right. So I have to stay home from school.
Anyways, this blog is realy humorous, with a bunch of little random things to it. It’s going to honor some of my favorite people in various post.. but if you love the 60s and 70s.. and vintage and psychedelic… and humour… and the usual news and sports (yes, but sometimes)….well, you are at the right place! :)
By the way, I am Victoria. I don’t go by Vicky. If you call me that, I will hex you. No, not really I’m just kidding. Just got a little carried away with reading “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.” Yes, I like HP too, and I’m as crazy as Luna Lovegood.  But I love animals, marine bioligy, science, nature, music (playing it and listening to it), art, photography, all sports, magic, writting, drawing, and imagining.
This is just an introduction. My other one didn’t get posted for reasons I have no explantation for. So, while my freinds are in band and getting yelled at by our teacher, I have to stay home, and I’ll just have to make a dedication post!
Thank you, and please stick around. Maybe you will find/learn something new in this blog, or something that you love.
With much apreciation & warm wishes (especially in this winter!),

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